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Diversity & Inclusion

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Index Exchange的Maria Ballester(市场营销高级经理)与Simone Payne-Powell(人事总监)进行了对话 & Global Head of DE&1)更多地了解女性如何拥抱自己独特的道路,如何重新定义成功

Can women have it all? 这是向DE主管、人事和全球主管西蒙娜·佩恩-鲍威尔提出的问题&I, during Bloom UK’s International Women’s Day event. The event explored important topics that underpin empowerment and inspire inclusion, challenging societal expectations. 

拥有超过20年的全球科技公司工作经验, 西蒙娜一直致力于确保所有员工都能做真实的自己,并真正感到自己属于工作. Her passion for DE&I has empowered companies to build diverse and inclusive workplaces.  



Simone Payne-Powell: What does “all” mean to everyone? It will not be the same for me or you. 如果你把“所有”定义为所有可能的事情,那感觉就像是一个庞大而不可能的要求. Is it your happiness, health, career? To me, there is no one definition of “all”.  

So often success or the “all” is defined by society’s standards, which can be limiting and discouraging for women, often making us feel judged.  

MB: How do you embrace unconventional paths?

SPP: Throughout history, women have been confined by societal expectations, 经常追求与传统性别角色一致的职业,而不是那些真正点燃我们激情和发挥我们独特才能的职业.  

Gladly, 我们看到越来越多的女性挑战社会规范,探索与她们的激情和优势相一致的职业选择. 无数鼓舞人心的女性追随自己的激情,取得了非凡的成功.  

Some of the women who have inspired me the most are Wangari Maathai他是肯尼亚环境和政治活动家,创立了绿带运动, Serena Williams, 她是有史以来最伟大的网球传奇之一,以其在体育运动中的主导地位和对性别质量的倡导而闻名, and Ada Lovelace他是一位数学家和作家,经常被认为是世界上第一个计算机程序员.  

这些女性打破了试图限制她们的玻璃天花板. They’ve demonstrated it’s about finding a path that brings you joy, fulfilment, and a sense of purpose. They focused on their “all” not what others expected of them. 

他们的故事应该有力地提醒我们,成功并不局限于一个单一的想法. Success takes many forms, whether you are a stay-at-home mum, trailblazing entrepreneur, or visionary activist. All these women have an impact on the world. 

我们需要自信,超越社会的标准和期望去探索我们自己的好奇心,给我们的生活带来快乐. 这可以通过与志同道合的人建立联系来实现,他们与我们分享非传统职业道路的激情,并与那些激励我们突破界限并达到新高度的人在一起. 

Remember, success is not defined by a single path, 而是通过个人成就和我们对你的世界产生的积极影响. 拥抱你的个性,挑战社会规范,开始一段属于你的独特旅程.  

MB: How can you take control of your financial destiny?

SPP: 有几项研究表明,作为女性,我们的经济状况会受到性别的影响.  

2024年养老金差距报告证实,如今女性退休时的平均养老金储蓄为69英镑,000 compared to £205,000 for men. To close this gap, 女孩们需要在三岁时就开始攒养老金,这样她们退休时就能拿到和男性一样多的钱.  

Similarly, a recent report by PwC 证实了英国的性别收入差距(男女收入中位数的差异)为14.5%. 

Several factors cause these discrepancies. Some women will step away from full- time jobs, or work lesser-paid careers, to take on caretaker roles, whether this be with children, elderly relatives, or partners. This impacts our earning potential and our pensions and savings.  

作为女性,谈判工资和福利——以及拥有我们的技能和存在 empowered to be paid properly for them can be a challenge. But, it is an important step towards financial freedom. 研究一下你的职位的市场价格,准备好大声说出来,以获得你的价值.  

Seeking financial advice from professionals can be beneficial, 尤其是当你感到不知所措或不确定如何管理你的财务时. A financial advisor can help you create a personalised plan, helping you to make smart investment decisions, and stay on track with your goals. 他们还可以提供有价值的见解和策略来帮助你实现财务自由. 

MB: Can you find harmony and that sense that you have all you want?

SPP: In the pursuit of success, 许多女性发现自己在平衡事业和个人幸福方面面临着挑战. 女性必须认识到,真正的成功不仅限于职业成就,还包括个人成就的和谐整合, health, and happiness. 

我们所做的每一件事,我们所做的每一个决定,往往都是出于对他人评判或失去他人尊重的恐惧. 我们被文章和社交媒体上的帖子轰炸,告诉我们我们可以拥有一切,如果我们没有, we fail as women, partners, caregivers, siblings, daughters - and in some cases - mothers.  

It is okay to not have it all. 不管我们拥有什么,不管我们做了什么,不管彩乐园dsn,我们都要相信自己已经足够了. Remove anything that tells you differently.  

Achieving this balance is a conscious journey that requires self-care, setting boundaries, and seeking support. 我希望有一天“拥有一切”的概念会消失,我们都能过上更充实、更快乐的生活. 

Learn more about our affinity groups and what it’s like to work at Index Exchange. 



Maria Ballester
Senior Manager, Field Marketing UK

作为Index Exchange的高级市场营销经理,Maria领导着该公司在英国的市场营销策略. With 10 years of digital advertising experience, she has worked at some of the leading ad tech companies, including AOL, Oath, PubMatic and MediaMath. 她曾在大型行业会议上担任活动制作主管, such as the MAKERS conference, Cannes Lions, and MWC. Maria lives in London and is a passionate advocate for women at work, actively contributing to various groups, including Wildflowers of London and Be Bold for Change, where she serves as a consultant and event lead.

By Maria Ballester, Senior, Field Marketing Manager

Index Exchange

Index Exchange是一个全球性的广告市场,通过帮助营销人员接触任何屏幕上的消费者,使媒体所有者能够增加收入, through any ad format.

Posted on: Friday 26 April 2024