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How to maximise the potential of audio advertising with 聪明的人


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Audio and Voice 品牌安全

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To harness the potential of advertising via 聪明的人, it’s important to understand what makes audio so unique, and what opportunities it offers, writes Covatic's Dan Pike

广告业一直在寻找接触新受众的方法. In such a competitive market, 研究新的和未开发的目标机会总是值得的. One such way of reaching untapped audiences is through 聪明的人.

智能音箱在音频广告方面的潜力已经引起了轰动. 近一半 (44%) 到2022年,英国16-64岁的成年人中有一半拥有智能音箱,而且这个数字还在上升. 这为品牌创造了一个高度参与、可寻址的受众.

To harness the potential of advertising via 聪明的人, it’s important to understand what makes audio so unique, and what opportunities it offers.

The power of audio

Smart speakers have been in the market for less than a decade. 然而, 预计到2032年,全球智能音箱市场规模将达到1000亿美元, at an annual compound growth rate of over 25%. Their rapid growth should place them firmly on every marketer's radar.

Although not always as high-profile as its visual counterparts, 音频广告——尤其是广播广告——长期以来一直是媒体计划的一部分, with RAJAR reporting commercial radio’s highest-ever audience figure (38.2023年将达到700万美元. 智能音箱为营销人员提供了一个探索音频领域的机会,并以创新的方式实现货币化.

When it comes to content, short and punchy calls to action, 核心信息, 吸引人的内容比充满信息的长广告更容易让人记住. Lacking visual cues, creative execution is key. But 聪明的人 are more than just a listening device, with ample opportunity for marketers to flex their creative muscles.

More than a listening device

智能音箱已经超越了声控助手,成为了用户的“伴侣”. Beyond the obvious listening to music, 播客, 或广播, they can be useful 工具 for shopping, household organisation, or even step-by-step recipes when cooking. 了解这些细微差别可以帮助营销人员更好地定位他们的受众.

And, of course, users also speak to their 聪明的人. This can be turned into an advantage for marketers, as, according to Neuro-洞察力, conversational smart speaker ads generate 30% more brain engagement if a user utters the brand’s name after an ad.

智能音箱的语音技术不仅加深了品牌与受众之间的联系, but it also enables ‘actionable’ audio campaigns. 例如, 用户可以在听完广告后请求一个链接通过电子邮件发送给他们或发送到他们的手机. The interactive nature of these ads fosters engagement along the way. Whether it’s to sign into a new app, purchase a product, or request a service, this engagement is key to delivering results.

Make the most of popular formats

通过智能音箱提供的各种高质量内容对营销人员来说也是一个加分项. 例如,现场广播节目在主持人和普通听众之间建立了独特的联系. When radio becomes part of a consumer’s routine, it creates a sense of community and trust, 然后在广告或其他与节目配套的品牌信息中反映出来. By leveraging the programme’s unique data and audience knowledge, 营销人员还可以识别最佳目标机会,并相应地调整他们的策略.

播客是另一个令人难以置信的受广告商彩乐园dsn的机会,占近 60% of all digital audio spend in Europe. Fitness, relationship advice, movie reviews, business & entrepreneurship, and true crime are just some of the most popular genres. 品牌有一个千载难逢的机会来瞄准那些通常非常专业的播客受众,并推动收入.

Incorporate ads into the flow of entertainment

To provide the best possible listening experience, while still delivering highly relevant ads, brands must take the time to understand their users’ listening habits. 将广告有效、无缝地整合到内容流中,有助于品牌以一种有机的方式传递信息. 同样的原则也适用于音频和电视视频:不要有太多的广告, keep content interruptions to a minimum, and avoid repetitive ads.

传递音频品牌信息的一种流行方式是通过主持人阅读广告. 研究表明,消费者更有可能购买他们崇拜的名人或名人代言的产品, and nearly three-quarters of consumers are more responsive to personalised ads. Audiences of a particular show already have an affinity with the host, whether it be a radio show or a 播客 presenter. When personally read by them, in their characteristic tone and delivery, the advert resonates more with audiences, boosting engagement for brands.

Privacy-first, no matter the medium

Privacy is a growing concern for the advertising industry, 因此,在不使用个人信息的情况下识别受众是营销人员越来越重视的问题, which requires its own set of technologies and solutions.

To truly succeed in the smart speaker advertising ecosystem, 首先必须选择的解决方案不仅要提供出色的结果和显著的投资回报率,还要满足不断增长的可寻址性, 有效性, and privacy challenges. Covatic的独特方法使品牌能够在优质音频环境中有效地大规模瞄准受众. 其以隐私为中心的技术使品牌能够在不使用任何个人数据的情况下,通过对他们和他们的行为进行分类来了解他们的受众.

Covatic的解决方案通过混合使用第一方数据和概率方法来了解用户的习惯和偏好, according to select categories, enabling brands to ‘segment’ audiences for effective targeting. 这样做的时候, Covatic使品牌能够了解智能音箱用户的行为, without knowing who they are, targeting them by context rather than identity. 这不仅符合隐私,而且非常有效和可扩展.

Here are five top tips for getting started with audio advertising:

  • 设定你的活动目标并确定你的目标受众——了解你想要向谁传递信息对于一个成功的音频活动是至关重要的


  • 为你和你的观众确定正确的形式——在节目内赞助或片前广告之间进行选择, 例如, will play a large role in how the message is received


  • 让你的广告与环境保持一致,并考虑听众的体验


  • Be clear and concise with your messaging and call-to-action. Keep your ad short


  • 确保你的创意是引人注目的——你的听众可能在听的时候参与了另一项活动,你需要把他们的注意力吸引到你的方向上
  • 玩得开心! Perhaps a sonic logo is in your brand's future

By Dan Pike , Chief Product Officer


Covatic helps online publishers, 媒体公司和品牌在保护用户隐私的同时更好地定位广告.

我们的平台使他们能够在不使用cookie或个人标识符的情况下识别和处理他们的整个受众,并且可以在包括移动设备在内的多个平台上工作, 网络, 聪明的人, CTV native and CTV apps. Publishers like Bauer, 天空, Octave已经与Covatic合作,利用以前无法获得的广告机会, 让他们在与我们合作几个月后就获得了可观的广告回报.

发布: Thursday 21 March 2024