
什么是“设备上”广告技术 & 它对广告行业有什么好处?




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As the industry searches for more effective ways to increase ad revenues while protecting user privacy, many publishers are turning to ‘on-device’ solutions – also known as edge computing – as a means of achieving both. Covatic的首席产品官丹尼尔·派克(Daniel Pike)对此进行了详细介绍

Traditional digital advertising solutions are built around a personal identifier (ID) representing you, 用户. 的y then track your online behaviors as you live out your life across the internet, 将在线活动链接到离线活动, 比如你的实体店信用卡消费. Personal data is taken from a consumer device into the cloud for processing and then reconciled to users using personal IDs. 个人数据被买卖. 它可能是准确的,捏造的,或不正确的. 有些会被匹配到错误的用户, 有些将不匹配任何用户, 当然, publishers and end users will have very little control or visibility over any of it. 

这一切都在改变. 消费者的隐私问题比以往任何时候都更加紧迫. Regulators and big tech platforms are rightly acting to protect users from excessive tracking and personal data collection. 如果你今天从零开始, 你只是不会——也许不能——以同样的方式建立一个广告生态系统. 

的 ‘on-device’ approach uses edge computing principles to provide one compelling alternative. 它之所以有吸引力,是因为它保证了高质量的观众, 扩大覆盖面和收入, 并且大大改进了隐私配置文件. 

An on-device ad tech architecture flips the traditional ad tech ecosystem on its head. 数据不会被发送到云端进行处理. 而不是, 数据留在原来的地方, 加密, and all the clever stuff happens locally on 用户's own device  – on their phone or laptop for example, 通常是在他们使用的应用程序或网站中. 因为数据不会离开设备, 不需要个人id来协调用户与其数据. 当设计良好时,没有办法将任何数据链接到可识别的个人. 


In Covatic’s system, a publisher client has access to an ‘audience builder’ platform. 他们利用这一点来组合特征并定义用户. 例如,您可以定义一个基本的's港口的粉丝的 受众是指每月消费三篇体育文章的人. This definition is published to all devices as a set of ‘rules’ and the software on-device decides if 用户 belongs to the 体育迷 audience or not. 用户最终是建立在设备上的,而不是在云端.

当发出广告请求时, 而不是交换用户ID, an IAB standard or an obfuscated audience cohort code is passed to the ad engine or Supply Side Platform (SSP) as a key-value pair. 因此, 体育迷 队列可能由代码“783675”和希望定位的广告商表示 体育爱好者 可以通过他们的正常方法做到吗.

体育迷 观众提供了一个简单的例子来说明, 但是,大多数可以在云中构建的受众也可以在设备上定义, 从人口统计数据到兴趣和意图. 


On-device gives consumers what they should have always had – relevant ads and the freedom to navigate the web and their world without companies tracking their activity and exploiting their personal data. 

For publishers the benefits are equally compelling – opportunities to deliver high-quality ad and content experiences for clients and users, 跨直接或规划销售和, 最终, 赚更多的钱,最小化战略和隐私风险. 

提高发行商收益. 设备上解决方案的力量

On-device solutions typically offer greater addressable reach to high-quality audiences; and operate at superior speed and efficiency than traditional solutions. Addressable reach is higher because the privacy profile of on-device is superior so fewer permissions and consents are required. 例如,设计良好的设备上解决方案不会触发 GDPR 同意或 苹果的 AppTracking透明度 (丙氨酸)提示. 

也不需要匹配id. Today’s match rate (and so addressability) is often in the realm of 40-60% and these rates are falling all the time. 另外, 随着第三方cookie的逐步淘汰, 支持这些匹配的数据质量也在恶化.

在速度方面, on-device solutions can start building audiences from a user’s very first 联系 with the page or app. Traditional solutions require vast databases to churn through many billions of data points, 将用户添加到缓慢的受众中, 也许每天, 可寻址的机会和收入可能失去的周期.   


Many on-device solutions, including ours at Covatic, are designed so as not to expose personal data. 如果你被黑了, 或者粗心大意, 或者显示主题访问请求, there is no personal data on cloud servers or anywhere else that is accessible or visible to anyone.

Such elevated privacy credentials help future-proof publishers against changes in the privacy landscape - be that regulatory change or new privacy initiatives from major platform providers. 一项新规定生效了? 没问题,你已经在新标准下了. 

最后,设备上的解决方案往往是整体的、一致的和受管理的系统. 的y are easier to get to grips with and manage than more complex cloud systems with so many parties, 相互依赖关系, 专有算法也在发挥作用. On-device solutions allow publishers to exercise full control over what audiences are built, 使用什么数据, 如何定义受众, 需要哪些权限, 等等.......  

谁在引领设备端解决方案的潮流 & 它们到底有多受彩乐园dsn?

提供纯设备端解决方案的IAB成员包括Covatic和NumberEight. Elements of Permutive’s solution can similarly be described as on-device as can aspects of Google’s Privacy Sandbox. On-device is one of 苹果的 five privacy principles and one highly relevant example of this is 苹果的 App Tracking 透明度 (丙氨酸) policy. This makes a specific provision for on-device processing, carving it out from 丙氨酸 permissions. Apple is clear that on-device approaches to advertising do not trigger 丙氨酸 because they do not impinge upon user privacy.

Covatic’s solution is widely deployed in hundreds of different website and app brands across Europe and in the US as well as on smart speaker and CTV (both in apps and natively to set top boxes).


虽然基于id的解决方案仍然是最流行的用户细分形式, 他们的影响力和力量正在减弱. Publishers and advertisers wishing to experiment with on-device can create a hybrid system, 用并行的设备上解决方案补充现有的AD技术堆栈. 这有助于最大限度地扩大可寻址范围,培养积极的广告体验, 并提供额外的优势,以确保未来的业务. It enables companies to slowly phase out outdated solutions while simultaneously expanding their on-device reach and capabilities.

Daniel Pike,首席产品官


Covatic帮助在线出版商, 媒体公司, 品牌可以在保护用户隐私的同时更好地定位广告. Our platform allows them to identify and address their entire audience without cookies or personal identifiers. It works across multiple platforms, including mobile, web, smart speakers, CTV native, and CTV apps.  像Bauer这样的发行商, 天空, and Octave work with Covatic to tap into previously unavailable advertising opportunities and gain substantial new returns on advertising spend in months.

发布: 2024年5月7日星期二