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What do impending cookie changes mean for DOOH?


Digital Out Of Home
Digital Out Of Home

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第三方cookie的消亡正促使人们重新评估定位策略和创新需求. With its privacy-first nature, DOOH为营销人员提供了一个令人耳目一新的选择-但什么样的目标可以实现?

Google may have announced a further delay to the deprecation of third-party cookies on Chrome, 但这种转变已经在进行中,关键是该行业正在采用其他方式来接触和吸引观众. In that context, what does digital-out-of-home (DOOH) have to offer? 我们询问了IAB UK DOOH组的成员,户外营销人员和代理商有什么机会.

Lee Cutter, VP - Sales - UK, Nordics & MENA at Hivestack by Perion

第三方cookie正在消失,这给彩乐园dsn领域带来了重大变化. However, 数字户外从来没有依赖于cookie,因为它是一对多渠道的本质. DOOH提供了越来越复杂的方式,通过定制和预定义的细分目标受众. It's best placed to reduce wastage and hit the right people, at the right time, with the right message and context. 品牌之所以选择DOOH,是因为它能够在关键环境和地点通过与上下文相关的信息接触到目标受众,并与之互动.

As one-to-one targeting methods evolve, 上下文相关性将成为任何广告活动不可或缺的一个方面. The importance of first-party data will be heightened, 支持与供应商和品牌的道德数据收集和协作. Advertisers can utilise DOOH to activate dynamic content strategies, leverage real-time analytics and data integrations to adjust campaigns, 优化性能并提供个性化和上下文相关的内容,而不需要第三方cookie.

这一转变还通过二维码提供了互动和沉浸式体验的机会, augmented reality and memorable brand interactions. Strengthening partnerships with ad tech companies, retailers, 数据提供者可以增强目标定位能力并促进凝聚力, personalised DOOH advertising approach, while respecting the privacy of consumers.


Layla Soufi, Regional Partnerships Director DSPs EMEA at VIOOH

饼干的贬值最初被认为有负面影响,但随着时间的推移, more positives have materialised. 它扩展了思维方式,以找到更好、更有创意的方式来瞄准受众, 而且,在一个对消费者——尤其是年轻受众——越来越重要的世界里,人们对更好的品牌安全和隐私有了需求.

Contextual is front and centre. 广告就是在正确的时间和地点找到正确的受众. 上下文确实可以以最不具侵入性和相关性的方式推动这一策略, targeting users based on their likes and interests.

In prDOOH location is context. Buyers can pinpoint their audiences using multiple data sources & 在物理环境中为他们提供广告,从而触发基于该策略的更吸引人的互动. prodooh的灵活性也支持无缝的全通道激活.

饼干的消亡为品牌提供了以一种相关且更有意义的方式向关键受众做广告的机会, 而对于prDOOH——它从一开始就不需要依赖cookie——这个频道已经为这些复杂的目标形式奠定了基础,而其他频道正在追赶.


Oliver Goodge, Head of Programmatic at i-media

A recent DoubleVerify survey 发现全球约60%的营销人员担心cookie贬值会对他们的业务产生影响. However, there's a compelling alternative: Digital out-of-home.

Unlike more traditional targeting methods, DOOH thrives in a cookieless environment, 提供一个独特的机会,以精确和可衡量的方式接触目标受众. These include contextual targeting, dynamic creative optimisation, interactive experiences such as QR codes, augmented reality (AR), and even Anamorphic elements. 增强协作和第一方数据集成,如i-media的ANPR & EPOS data, 哪个能提供更深入的受众洞察,并为品牌和代理商提供高度针对性和个性化的信息传递框架, can also be used.

第三方cookie的消亡需要向上下文相关性和协作转变. DOOH advertising stands out as a powerful alternative, 在不断发展的广告环境中,提供具有影响力和隐私意识的广告活动的潜力.


Alexei Moltchan, Director of Product Management at Verve Group

乍一看,Chrome中第三方cookie的弃用根本不会影响DOOH. 广告技术过分专注于寻找cookie的替代品,以保持网络上的目标和可寻址性——这是一种误解, however, 因为媒体规划过程涉及根据感知价值和投资回报率在渠道之间重新分配预算.

DOOH is privacy-first by design as there’s no tracking, 许多解决方案允许根据相关受众定制DOOH活动. These include using contextual and situational triggers like location, weather, day/time, events, and proximity to point-of-interest. DOOH campaigns can also add geo-social graphs (area household income, population distribution, spending habits, etc.),甚至是超本地重定向的形式(使用可选择的消费者设备)。. 能够运行不同媒体类型的DOOH屏幕的增加, along with the penetration of programmatic activation, means advertisers can buy a wealth of brand safe, quality inventory as easily as web display/video.


By Alexei Moltchan, Lee Cutter, Layla Soufi & Oliver Goodge


i-media are leaders in Motorway Advertising, delivering unique, 在英国的高速公路服务网络中提供动态和创新的以结果为导向的户外广告解决方案. i-media提供多点触点广告解决方案,包括130多个全动态D48屏幕的强大网络, as well as 550 a growing network of over 500 D6s, static 6s and Washroom Advertising, to effectively reach key audiences including motorists, younger and upscale audiences, SMEs and families. 我们有一个基于实时ANPR数据的动态广告触发产品,因为我们寻求为客户提供更相关的解决方案.

Posted on: Friday 10 May 2024