Privacy is paramount - but don’t turn the clock back on digital advertising

贴在 2021年6月24日星期四 | 詹姆斯·钱德勒 - cmo,英国实验室

随着隐私技术的进步, our CMO 詹姆斯·钱德勒 discusses the challenges facing targeted advertisement and the digital experience.

If advertising is all about relationships then the current momentous changes to consumer 隐私 that are sweeping through digital advertising can only be a good thing. Reconfiguring the status quo to prioritise the preferences of the people that we’re speaking to is a hugely positive step. 然而,, our shift to a more 隐私-focused ecosystem isn’t straightforward and it doesn’t come without risks. 的确, 最近公布的数据 显示iOS 14的96%.美国有5名用户选择退出应用跟踪技术, 这一数字在全球范围内仍高达88%. This presents our industry with a clear challenge - if we can’t convince people that targeting has value, 我们要稀释有效的力量, 有针对性的广告 that underpins the internet as we know it.

多年来,瞄准目标的名声一直不好. 为什么? 因为它已经成为了错误定位的代名词. Execute targeting well and it should feel so organic and natural that people don’t notice it as anything other than helpful. Use targeting 工具  badly and you end up stalking an increasingly p*ssed off person around the internet with an array of sheds, shirts or shoes that they stumbled across two weeks ago and now, 到处都是广告, 深感遗憾的是,我对. 

当它做好的时候, 目标定位是必要的, 彩乐园dsn行业有效且极具价值的一部分. It’s not just me that thinks so, and it’s not just digital advertisers. 人们也同意. Our research shows that relevant digital ads are not only more effective than generic ads - they can 将注意力得分提高107% ——但人们有意识地重视相关性. 根据IAB欧洲, 75%的欧洲人说他们从相关的金融服务中获益, 有针对性的广告 and the same proportion would prefer to maintain an ad-funded internet - complete with targeting - than pay for access to online content. 

随着我们在隐私保护方面的进步, it’s crucial that we appreciate this and build 隐私-friendly solutions that don’t turn the clock back on digital advertising. 定位已经演变成一种复杂的工具, 如果使用得当, benefits consumers and advertisers - including the raft of small businesses that rely on digital as an affordable means of reaching their customers. 简单地说, small businesses have small budgets and being able to efficiently reach relevant people with personalised advertising is essential for their long-term survival. 

有些人会 say that contextual targeting is the future and data-based targeting has had its day. While I agree that context is a vital part of a successful digital strategy, relying on it as the sole means of serving ads is both unrealistic and monolithic, 逆转了20年来的数字进步. We need to be taking 隐私-preserving steps that prioritise people, while successfully communicating the importance of responsible targeting and relevant personalisation, 以及它是如何工作的. 如果我们不, the essential value exchange that sits at the heart of digital advertising is under threat. 

I know what you’re thinking: if people love targeted ads so much, they will just choose to opt in when it comes to in-app tracking or first-party data sharing. 有些人会, but many will see words such as ‘targeting’ and ‘data’ and - quite understandably - default to ‘no’. Bad experiences stick and anyone who has been on the receiving end of overzealous targeting in the past will be minded to opt out or withhold access to their data. As an industry, we need to recognise the role we have played in allowing that to happen. We also need to build on the progress we have made in evolving a more responsible approach to targeting and clearly communicate what a world without 有针对性的广告 looks like. 

目前, we’re used to a digital experience where we can access almost any information freely and easily because the content is ad-funded. Current techniques mean that we’re served with relevant ads and advertisers know how often, allowing them to implement frequency capping to ensure they don’t stray into stalking territory. 然而,, 在一个以目标为目标的世界里, 彩乐园dsn变得更像一个猜谜游戏. 

这不仅会危及开放的可行性, ad-funded web - leading to a surge in subscription services that grant access to those that can afford it - it’s also going to annoy the hell out of people. 虽然目标原则可能会让人们反感, the reality of being served with irrelevant and random ads again and again definitely will. 

那么解决方法是什么呢? 随着我们的行业转向并拥抱隐私, 我们需要努力消除针对目标和个性化的污名化. We need to ensure that we’re effectively communicating with consumers how targeting works, 为什么它很重要,没有它的互联网会是什么样子. 和, if a person does choose to share their data or opt-in to tracking, 我们要对得起这一切, 以负责任的态度行事,尊重消费者的智慧体验, 相关和有用的目标. 如果我们做对了, I truly believe that the future of digital is on target to be better than ever. 

本文首次发表于 NewDigitalAge.








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