MEMBER RESEARCH: Radiocentre - Getting Vocal


How 的声音-activated devices are increasing radio listening and elevating audio branding.

Many people have experimented with 的声音-activated assistants such as Siri and Cortana since they were first introduced in 2011, but the screen has remained the predominant interface for the devices on which they are found.

Getting Vocal, co-funded with Radioplayer and Global, set out to capture a UK perspective on ownership and usage of screen-less 的声音-activated devices, explore their impact on radio listening, and consider how brands might adapt to an increasingly 声控的未来.

研究委托 由Radiocentre, Radioplayer和Global. 由Differentology进行的研究.

Echo is rapidly becoming established as mainstream technology

Adoption of Amazon Echo has been rapid since launch in autumn 2016, with over 9% of UK households owning one or more devices; claimed intent to purchase suggests household penetration of 的声音-controlled smart devices could hit 40% by early 2018. Eight out of ten owners aim to set up Alexa in-car once the technology becomes available.

Echo is a shared experience for the whole household

Despite requiring users to learn 的声音-only navigation, Echo already plays a central role in the home and is used by all family members. 在单设备家庭中, the predominant location is in a shared space such as the living room, 厨房或餐厅, meaning that it is easily accessible for and used by all members of the household.

Once adopted, Echo quickly becomes an important part of the daily routine

The vast majority of owners use Echo regularly – 81% at least once a day or more – with the audio-only output making it a perfect partner for multi-tasking. Reasons for use vary across the day to reflect the user’s needs e.g. functional bite-sized information gathering in the morning to prepare for the day ahead compared to more immersive entertainment-led activities when relaxing in the evening. 在一个以上的家庭中, additional devices are likely to be found in the bedroom, which is leading to Echo challenging the mobile phone’s dominance as the first and last device used during the day.

Audio entertainment, and radio in particular, dominates time spent with Echo

The primary reason for purchase is greater access to audio entertainment and this dominates current usage. Listening to radio or on-demand 音乐 services is the most widely reported use of Echo with the frictionless experience leading to increased listening for both live radio and on-demand 音乐 services such as Spotify and Amazon Prime Music. Despite all of the other functions available, radio dominates listening on Echo accounting for 72% of all Echo time spent with audio entertainment – aided by the improved user experience delivered through the UK Radioplayer skill (i.e. 亚马逊Echo相当于一个应用程序).

Radio advertising is the most natural route for brands to communicate via Echo

Despite the lack of a screen preventing visual advertising, over half of daily Echo users recall hearing advertising on the device, with radio cited as the main – and most natural – source of exposure ahead of other audio services. This highlights how radio’s resilience is reinforced by its adaptability to new technologies, helping to keep it relevant for listeners and advertisers.

Developing a consistent brand sound now will benefit advertisers in an audio-led world

As audio-led user-interfaces proliferate and search becomes not just triggered but also delivered by audio, brands will need to develop distinctive brand sound to help them stand out from the crowd. 始终如一地使用皮带, 音乐, and 的声音 – over time and across different platforms – helps drive brand recognition, 亲和力和更深入的参与.


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