

随着第三方cookie的终结, 指数交易所着眼于如何建立一个更加透明的, 注重隐私的数字生态系统

For years, third-party cookies have served as the foundation of digital advertising. 最近, there’s been much debate around their sustainability as regulators as industry bodies focus in on consumer privacy. 虽然仍被视为基础, third-party cookies are not always used in a way that is compatible with the attributes of consumer privacy. 正因为如此, 他们的持久力量是个问题, 他们对我们行业未来的贡献正在减少. We are fast approaching the post-cookie era, and the implications are manifold. 

The loss of third-party cookies is undeniably challenging in the short-term, as it requires all players in the ecosystem to shift their behaviour in terms of the solutions they build. 如果这种行为没有改变, 第三方cookie的替代品也不受彩乐园dsn, ad spend across the open web will decrease and budgets will undoubtedly drop (as we saw 去年在德国). 然而, 从长远来看, the loss of cookies will push our industry in the positive direction of a more people-based, deterministic advertising model - ultimately leading to more precise results for marketers and brands, 并提高了出版商的收入. 

This is our chance, as an industry, to bring people-based marketing to the open, trusted web (e.g the premium publishers that consumers turn to for the content they trust). 通过制作通用标识符, 我们可以把以人为本的营销带到开放的网络上, allowing us to unlock digital advertising budgets and support a diverse, 多面数字生态系统. As we work to create these solutions, we must keep user privacy and user experience top of mind.  

很大程度上, the shift away from third-party cookies is the browsers’ reaction to users’ increased concerns around data privacy. 在过去的几十年中, these concerns did not exist — as recently as 15 years ago we didn’t even have smartphones. 现在, 然而, 用户的数据到处都在被收集, 储存在不同的位置, 并用于为不透明算法提供动力, yet consumers have little or no insight into how they work and no control over how they operate. 

用户数据, and the application of it into algorithms (both advertising and content-based), 最近几年被放在放大镜下吗. Legislation like The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has limited corporations’ capacity to collect and utilise consumers’ data without their express content. 如上所述, 浏览器已经表明了自己的立场, 做决定, 例如限制第三方cookies的使用, 确保用户隐私受到保护和优先考虑. 

当我们进入后曲奇时代, it is imperative we collectively craft solutions with user privacy top of mind, always ensuring users are educated on the value exchange between themselves and the sites where they are consuming content. We must move into a world where advertisers can still reach key audiences while remaining a vital source of revenue to publishers, but also one where customers are still protected and thus trusting of digital environments.

A common myth about our post-cookie future is that it will involve one, singular catch-all solution. We firmly believe that bringing people-based marketing to the open web is going to lead to greater addressability, ultimately scaling opportunities for buyers and unlocking invisible budgets for publishers. 这样做的时候, it will allow marketers to dramatically increase the surface area where they’re able to reach their audiences outside of the walled gardens. 也就是说, while people-based addressability will offer a great opportunity for the industry, 它可能并不适合所有发行商. This is why tech players and the industry at large must work together for a common framework - such as the IAB Tech Lab’s 项目Rearc -多个供应商将能够在全球范围内利用它. 

Users are more diversified in the devices they’re using to consume content than ever before. 事实上, 30%的互联网用户 在英国拥有并使用5个或更多的联网设备. As an industry, we have to match that diversification with our offerings. 我们的重点不应该是制定一个包罗万象的解决方案. 而, it should be on building a collaborative strategy that places user privacy and trust at the forefront. 

We must stop and ask, ‘’What would be the best possible experience for the consumer?在制定寻求回答这个问题的策略时, it is critical that all programmatic players remain committed to taking steps that protect user privacy, which include (but are certainly not limited to) protecting privacy via consent. 

Next, consider the range of solutions available and the plethora of data sources. 存储在第三方cookie中的标识符是脆弱且短暂的. 如果它是基于人的和确定性的, 它会给你(作为买家或卖家)更好的表现, 归因, 和精度, moving through multiple touchpoints on the user’s journey and thus providing the user with an enhanced, 无缝体验. It is also important to remember that first-party data will continue to work, 即使在后饼干时代, so publishers and publications that have a relationship with their users will still be able to measure this directly on their sites. 技术合作伙伴必须帮助促进这种一对一的关系, allowing publishers (and marketers) to activate against this first-party data. 

如果遵循这些步骤, we will be able to construct a more trustworthy digital environment for all players and parties, 包括(最重要的)最终用户.



介绍《dsn彩乐园网址》. 从购物视频到游戏体验, the new guide gives first-hand insight from 36 IAB UK members on the most innovative digital ad solutions and how brands can effectively harness them.














支持连接而不是点击. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. 大胆地走自己的节奏,而不是让科技设定节奏. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.