短视频的兴起 & Z世代社会革命

克丽丝沼泽 - TikTok欧洲产品营销主管

Short form video is here to stay and it brings great benefits for brands, TikTok欧洲产品营销主管说, 克丽丝沼泽

The fact that short-form video’s popularity is increasing probably won’t be news to you, 但是什么推动了它的崛起? And what does it mean for brands looking to connect with customers through the format?

We lead busy lives; we have shorter and shorter attention spans and are used to having all the information we could ever need in the palm of our hands. While this has infinite benefits in connecting us with the world around us, for marketers it means that the competition for people’s attention has never been tougher.

事实上,想想你最后一次使用手机是什么时候, 你们现在可能正在用它来读这个. 一个通知有多少次, an advert or an urge to check another app distracted you from what you were doing at a moment in time? 

This sense of being pulled in all directions is felt by most of us today, 但这种情绪在年轻一代中最为强烈. Gen Z typically have an attention span of just 8 seconds; a few seconds shorter than millennials, 谁用了大约12秒的时间.

那就不足为奇了, that short-form video has seen its popularity surge in recent years, 这几代人引领着消费的潮流.

以秒或分钟为运行长度的, 短视频是一种简洁的创作方式, 分享和激励观众. 为品牌, the format offers an effective and exciting way to reach audiences they may not have been able to before, 通过与他们进行简短的交流, 有影响力的视频信息,消费者可以联系.

对个人和品牌都是如此, short-form video provides the space to push traditional boundaries and enter into a fun, creative environment that is loved by a diverse range of users – essential for capturing imaginations, 驾驶订婚, 提高品牌亲和力.

Platforms such as TikTok offer brands a great opportunity to achieve their marketing goals; to form new connections and build consumer advocacy amongst a continuously growing audience in a brand safe environment.

Many brands are recognising the power of short-form video and including it as a central feature of their marketing strategies, 尤其是那些寻求多样化目标的公司, 订婚了, 年轻的观众, 谁是出了名的难以联系的.

做得正确, short-form videos can cater to increasingly short attention spans, while removing deliberation amongst viewers about whether they should keep watching or not. 但, 重要的是, brand content needs to have creativity and authenticity at its heart to really capture an audience’s imagination and drive results. 

富有想象力的, fun content that people love creating and consuming is the cornerstone of short-form video. 各大品牌可以在这一领域大举投资, 但除非他们真正进入了观众的心态, 真实性将不复存在, 这样就失去了真正参与的机会.

Short-form video is so powerful because it can create immersive experiences for users that in turn can drive impressive results for brands. 创新的视频格式, and ‘sound-on’ by default environments mean users are always engaging with something new, creating a combination of visual and audio stimulation that is hard to turn away from. Videos are discovered through a content graph instead of social connections, and this is what drives the surprise and joy that comes from each video being something new the user hasn’t actively looked for.

当你进入TikTok这样的应用程序时, 你会遇到大量的新趋势, 哪些是每天都在出现和发展的. 其中包括随着一首新歌表演舞蹈, seeing a beauty hack that shows you how you should really be using dry shampoo, 或者通过标签挑战来推动新趋势. There are a huge amount of possibilities for brands to join in with these trends, and therefore have a voice in the conversations that are shaping today’s culture.

A key element of short-form video is sound and music - its prominent role means all videos on our platform have a soundtrack. 像这样, music discovery is a natural by-product of TikTok’s short-form video content, teasing people’s interest in a song that they then seek out and use in their creations. 例如, 我和Tones的《彩乐园dsn》, 在Spotify的全球50强榜单上名列前茅, was driven significantly by its use as the backing track to more than 4 million short-form videos.

Similarly, Doja Cat rose to fame after her song ‘Say So’ went viral across short-form videos. 'Say So' inspired a generation to perform a memorable dance routine that's now been performed by millions of users. The track has amassed hundreds of millions of streams across multiple platforms and has since charted globally.

在我们所有人都充满挑战的一年里, the coronavirus pandemic has seen a rise in the consumption of short-form video, which has risen further in popularity as most of us spent more time at home during lockdown and are looking for a distraction from the world around us. 毫无疑问,短视频留住了人们, 尤其是年轻人, 娱乐, 知情并参与. 简而言之,短视频将继续存在. We look forward to seeing it fully cement itself as a permanent, effective and important way for brands to reach consumers for years to come.



介绍《彩乐园dsn》. 从购物视频到游戏体验, the new guide gives first-hand insight from 36 IAB UK members on the most innovative digital ad solutions and how brands can effectively harness them. 















支持连接而不是点击. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. Boldly move to your own beat instead of letting tech set the pace. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.