
贴在 2023年3月27日星期一 | 米歇尔Urwin ——Skai营销副总裁

米歇尔Urwin, Skai营销副总裁, explains that it's time to move beyond thinking of digital as just another channel and instead focus on winning hearts and minds with a consumer-centric approach 

彩乐园dsn的头二十年里, the advice to marketers looking for ways to improve performance has often been to use online’s superior targeting and personalisation in specialised campaigns across the customer journey.  

This approach of tactics over strategy has focused on the perceived strengths of digital to reach consumers with precision at specific points in the funnel. Best practices dictated to maximise each digital channel’s discrete role in the funnel - social to drive awareness, 搜索转换, 电子邮件的忠诚度和终身价值, 等.  

But the world of marketing has changed dramatically in recent years. Digital advertising has become an essential part of any marketer's 太lkit, but it's time to move beyond thinking of digital as just another channel. Instead, marketers must focus on winning hearts and minds with a consumer-centric approach. 


‘Digital’ as a channel is an outdated model - it’s all just marketing now 

2004年,移动营销只是数字支出的一小部分. There were mobile specialists and agencies, mobile ad tech, and mobile publishers. 仅仅十年之后, 互联网是一种移动优先的媒体. 如今,移动媒体已不再是媒体计划中的一个项目.  

数字领域也是如此. 早在2003年, online marketing -simply called interactive -comprised just around 3% of global marketing investments. 现在,它表示 超过所有支出的一半. 所以,现在数字化只是营销.  

The prevailing narrative in the advertising industry is that digital is supposed to be used as a performance channel. 然而,这需要挑战. 事实上,彩乐园dsn可以做到这一切, 从推动意识到考虑和购买意图. So, 尽管有广泛的数字渠道可供广告商使用, the focus should be on the consumer and their journey rather than the channel itself. 

以数字媒体计划中最大的一块付费搜索为例. Since its inception, it’s been labelled as a bottom-of-the-funnel tactic. 但是, 根据Forrester, more than 90% of consumers say they use search engines when discovering, 探索, 参与他们的购买决策:  

  • 95% of respondents use at least one search channel for discovery (top funnel)  

  • 94% of respondents use at least one search channel for consideration/purchase (mid-funnel)  

  • 93% of respondents use at least one search channel for engagement (bottom funnel) 

社会广告, 太, 多少被认为是探索频道, 是的, 它特别擅长这个. But it is also a full-funnel channel with opportunities to connect with customers at every stage. 例如, marketers can use social’s reach to build awareness; stay top-of mind with consumers; target people with relevant propositions to nurture consideration; transact directly via social commerce; and build communities around their brand. 

以及社交媒体吸引人的创意形式——比如视频, 旋转木马, 故事广告可以像电视一样塑造品牌, 打印, 在过去的几年里,广播对消费者也是如此. 



Digital is a medium that can meet the consumer's needs at each journey stage, but it's also worth noting that digital advertising is more than just a one-size-fits-all solution. The right mix of channels and tactics will depend on the business goals, 目标受众, 和行业. 奢侈时尚品牌, 例如, 可能会专注于高冲击力的视觉效果和情感叙事, while a B2B software company may prioritise educational content and thought leadership. 

And, in a consumer-centric marketing approach, “channels” matter less and less. Those are marketing constructs for how advertising is bought and sold, 而不是它们适合消费者生活的地方. Channel-first thinking could be limiting performance in many instances. 当“数字”被从等式中剔除时, practitioners can evaluate marketing opportunities/tactics for their value in contributing to overall growth, not just ‘how well the predetermined channel X budget performed against last year's channel X benchmarks’. 

For marketers, the focus should always be on the customer and their needs. 这意味着理解他们的痛点, 动机, and preferences - and tailoring the marketing message accordingly. 通过这样做, 营销人员可以创造一个无缝, 个性化的体验 that builds trust and loyalty using all 工具 in their 太lbox wherever best utilised. 

这种转换的含义超出了标签的改变. This evolution requires practitioners to measure the impact of digital advertising beyond just clicks and conversions. While these metrics are essential, they only tell part of the story. Marketers need to consider the long-term impact of their advertising on brand perception, 客户忠诚度, 终身价值. 



彩乐园dsn已经彻底改变了营销世界, but it's time to move beyond thinking of digital as just another channel.  

Instead, marketers must focus on influence and impact in a consumer-centric approach. This means understanding the customer journey and leveraging the strengths of each channel to create a seamless, 个性化的体验. 通过这样做, marketers can unlock the true potential of digital advertising and drive growth for their brands. 







IAB英国推出系列探索信任 & 数字化的有效性 




The Building Blocks of Quality Media: steps to make the most of your next creative campaign


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支持连接而不是点击. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. Boldly move to your own beat instead of letting tech set the pace. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.